Expedience is the one of the leading paths to destruction. The desire of “now” is riddled with sin- corruption, laziness and mediocrity. When we think of now, we think selfishly. What do we want without waiting? What do we ignore long-term to satiate ourselves immediately?
On the contrary, future thinking is what unlocks our most powerful potential. When we think in terms of our future selves, our legacy or impact unforeseen, we mentally disengage from the now in order to execute on activity we’d otherwise neglect for a better tomorrow. This is the simple principle of investing - should we give up a little now so that we can have more later?
My conviction is not to live life outside of the present, but to presently fulfill my time with proactivity that has my future in mind. Hebrews 6:12 writes: “We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised”. Life is not a passive endeavor, implied here by the plea to avoid laziness. Faith and patience become verbs that suggest our “now” be activated with work towards our future “promise”. We are not called to just sit around and wait, but to sow today for the harvest of tomorrow.