There is no mistaking that part of the Christian calling is to be a leader in the spaces we occupy. We were not created to simply exist but to have dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:28). We are anointed as co heirs with Christ and as sons and daughters of God…if you don’t think that gives you an authority in this world, think again!
To me this is one of the most remarkable truths about following Jesus. We rightfully compare ourselves to Christ and think we need the same gifting as Him. That we need to be more holy, or talented, or ready, or equipped or better prepared for the seasons we get called into. It’s true, all of those things can be increased in us through the power of the Spirit, but it is not “gifting” we need to seek first: it is authority.
Jesus didn’t walk this earth touting his abilities and strengths. Jesus humbly used his authority as the Son of God to enter many precarious situations and influence many who were considered “unreachable”. He used His authority to stand up to Pharisees, to destroy racial barriers, to heal the demonically possessed, to save the socially outcast, to work miracles in strange environments and to ultimately greet death with the confidence of his Father’s will. Now that is powerful.
What we forget is that the same authority is woven into every follower of Christ as well. That we are given the appointment & direction of God to exercise our callings without hindrance but with steadfast endurance. As children of the King we are given the confidence to enter every environment knowing Almighty God is battling on our behalf to clear the path before us.
“To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give you authority over the nations” Revelation 2:26