All I have ever wanted to be is strong. As a child I believed that becoming a man was all about fearlessness and strength. I associated maturity with never crying, admitting that I was scared or making myself a burden to others. Year after year I strove to take on more responsibility and venture further into the unknown adventure of life. But the further I went, the more alone I felt. Loneliness would turn to fear, and I’ve come to recognize as a young adult that I am truly frightened of the future.
I am now in a place where I need to admit my fear, because the more I try to suppress my innate need for help the more I try to do things all on my own. When I look on the future’s horizon I become overwhelmed with fear that I am incapable of meeting the continuous demands that the years pour in. I know cannot do it on my own, so I cry out for the Lord to step in and help pry my tired hands off my own steering wheel of life.
Heavenly Father, I come to you with a humble, timid heart. I am a child who cannot do anything aside from you. While I am full of weakness, the Lord brings me strength and confidence that I do not need to figure out tomorrow, because tomorrow rests in the hands of God. Even though the world may look down on men who say they’re fearful, worried or afraid, our Father delights in those that recognize that their human strength is fragile. In this place of humility I am able to relinquish control, step aside, and let our Lord rule over our lives for His glory. For where I am weak, He is strong.
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”Deuteronomy 31:8